Cyberpunk 2077-Everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077-full information

      Cyberpunk 2077


Publisher: CD Projekt Red
Developer: CD Projekt Red
Release: TBD
Rating: Rating Pending
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC


System Requirements (Minimum)

Intel CPU: Intel `Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz
AMD CPU: AMD `Phenom II X4 940
System Memory (RAM): 6 GB
Operating System (OS): Windows 7 64 (bits)
nVidia Graphic Card: NVIDIA `GeForce GTX 660
AMD Graphic Card: AMD `Radeon HD 7870
Sound Card: DirectX `11
Video Card: 2 GB
Required Disk Storage: 30 GB

What is Cyberpunk 2077’s release date?

CD Projekt has mostly stuck with the "when it’s done" line, but we know that it plans to release Cyberpunk 2077 between 2017 and 2021, along with another, still unannounced RPG. We’ve been hearing about Cyberpunk since 2012, so the expectation is that it’ll be the first of the two to release. Our guess, then, is that Cyberpunk 2077 will release in 2019.

This is backed up by comments from a March 2017 financial results conference  during which CD Projekt developers said that progress on Cyberpunk is "quite advanced." That said, the "when it's done" motto is something CD Projekt is serious about (recall it delaying The Witcher 3). If it isn't ready in 2019, it could be 2020, or 2021. We'd be really surprised if it released this year, but anything's possible.

OK, just show me the E3 2018 trailer

t's more playful than we expected, but also just as violent as we expected.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 an FPS?

Yes, so long as you understand 'FPS' literally: first-person shooter. Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG, as CD Projekt has been saying, but it is an RPG played from a first-person perspective with guns. There's cover, there's sliding, there's wall-running—lots of things we associate with, say, Titanfall 2. So while it's a big open world RPG with stats and dialogue, it's an FPS, too. 

You will have a third-person view in vehicles and cutscenes, but other than that, this is a first-person game. That's a surprise!

Does Cyberpunk 2077 have character creation?

Yep. You can play as a woman or a man, and also customize your look a bit, such as by choosing a hairstyle, tattoos, makeup, and clothing. There are also stats: strength, constitution, intelligence, reflexes, tech, and "cool," which as we understand it from the tabletop game is how you perform under pressure.

This is another departure from The Witcher series—of course, those games were based on books, while this is based on a tabletop roleplaying game with its own rules and ideas.

Who is the main character?

However you customize your character, you're still one specific person: V. Not 'Vee.' Just V. You're a mercenary, and that's most of what we know so far.

What kind of abilities are in Cyberpunk 2077?

While guns seem to be your primary weapons, we saw lots of cool abilities in the E3 gameplay demonstration we saw. 

A spider bot that can be controlled through your optic implant.
An inspection system that helps you learn lore or quest info.
A ricochet targeting system that can bounce bullets off walls.
Arm blades, wall running, and double jumping.

How do vehicles work in Cyberpunk 2077?

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that a giant open world shooter-RPG has cars. You can indeed drive in Cyberpunk 2077, from either a first or third-person perspective. There's vehicular combat, too—in the demonstration we saw, the player leaned out a window to shoot.

Have you played it?

We haven't. But we did get to see a jam-packed gameplay demonstration at E3. The footage hasn't been made public yet, but you can read all about it here.

How big will Cyberpunk 2077 be?

Back in September 2016, we learned that CD Projekt applied for grants which suggest Cyberpunk 2077 could feature a “huge living city” and “seamless multiplayer.” 

That’s backed up by this story from 2015, in which we learn that Cyberpunk 2077 will be “far bigger than anything else that CD Projekt Red has done before,” including The Witcher 3. So, if we take CD Projekt RED at its word, Cyberpunk 2077 will be exceptionally large and, hopefully, full of sidequests.

Wait, multiplayer in a CD Projekt RPG?

We first heard about multiplayer features back in 2013, but CD Projekt RED clearly knew the word could agitate its fans. "It will be a story-based RPG experience with amazing single-player playthroughs," reassured managing director Adam Badowski in a 2013 talk with Eurogamer, "but we're going to add multiplayer features."

In 2017, CD Projekt CEO Adam Kiciński said that the multiplayer features would ensure Cyberpunk's "long-term success," which caused some concerns given the current kerfuffle over microtransactions, especially with Star Wars Battlefront 2's loot box progression system going over so poorly.

CD Projekt responded to the concerns with a tweet meant to reassure fans that they'll still be getting a Witcher 3-style singleplayer epic. "Worry not," it said. "When thinking CP2077, think nothing less than TW3—huge single player, open world, story-driven RPG. No hidden catch, you get what you pay for—no bullshit, just honest gaming like with Wild Hunt. We leave greed to others."

As of March of this year, they still weren't keen to talk much about it.

But seriously, will there be microtransactions?

No. The E3 2018 trailer contains a little Easter egg which confirms that there will be no microtransactions in Cyberpunk 2077. (Enlarge the image and read the red text, in which CD Projekt responds to the question: "In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?")

What official site think and talks about it?(this is a word from its official site)

 > Fetching file: cyberpunk2077_trailer_e3_2018.mp4
> File downloading…
> Complete!
> Status: READY

Night City, California. Year 2077. 

The world is broken. MegaCorps manage every aspect of life from the top floors of their sky-scraping fortresses. Down below, the streets are run by drug pushing gangs, tech hustlers, and illegal braindance slingers. The in-between is where decadence, sex and pop culture mix with violent crime, extreme poverty and the unattainable promise of the American Dream.

You are V, a cyberpunk. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend.
Hey Chummers!

When you’re done watching that kickass trailer for the hundredth time, it is good moment to start talking about it. And so we thought we could use this opportunity to give you a nice list of our official channels where you can do that.

Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or Forums, you pick! We have also launched official Discord server, so make sure you swing by!

We are waiting for you!

What we think about cyberpunk 2022?

At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, I attended CD Projekt Red's first live demonstration of Cyberpunk 2077, a project that was announced in 2012, and remained in development until it was officially unveiled at Microsoft's press conference just a couple of days ago. I entered this demonstration with thoughts of The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, assuming I would see something similar in design, only with futuristic trappings in a sprawling city. My memories of Geralt of Rivia and his adventures vanished when CD Projekt Red showed me Cyberpunk 2077 is a first-person, open-world RPG. It's a completely different beast than Witcher, delivering player choice in a what appears to be a more dangerous and dynamic world.

The demo begins with character creation. You select whether you wish to be a male or female and can design what they look like, right down to giving them scars, tattoos, hairstyles, makeup, glow effects, and a lot more. Your character is simply named V, an urban mercenary who takes on jobs that are too dangerous for most people. Who is V? You get to decide what kind of backstory he or she has by selecting from a variety of options in the backstory creator.

I don't know how deep this well goes, but all of the choices I quickly spied looked troubling, like being a runaway child. The choices you make directly affect the narrative as it unfolds. Your gender choice also plays a role in shaping the narrative. After determining your character's life path, you then select your position in the world, such as being a Netrunner, Techie, or Solo. CD Projekt Red says you can be a mix of them all if you want. You aren't really selecting a defined class, but more so your weaknesses and strengths, as the game features a fluid class system that allows you to customize it as you go.

In this demo, CD Projekt Red picked a female version of V with stylish long hair that hangs mostly on the left side of her head. We first see her holed up in Night City, somewhere near the beginning of the game, but not right at the start of it. This world is run by mega-corporations that control almost every aspect of life. The streets are ruled by organized crime, and survival is difficult if you can't carve out your own path. V appears to be doing quite well on the survival part, and has partnered with someone named Jackie Welles, an assassin and gun for hire.

V and Jackie are hunting down a missing person, who is believed to be in the hand of scavengers holed up in a rundown apartment complex, with trash everywhere, holes in the wall, but just enough high-tech wizardry to make it feel like you're in a science-fiction world. The scavengers hold true to their name and are kidnapping people to strip them of their implants. We don't see V in this moment, and only see the gun she's holding – the same viewpoint we see in every first-person shooter. During the demo, a CD Projekt Red employee says this viewpoint was selected to "bring you closer to the action and to maximize your immersion."

V enters the room and quickly dives behind a waist-high object, but doesn't remain concealed for long. She takes a huff from a reflex booster, which glows somewhat magically when its inhaled, and opens fire on a number of unsuspecting scavengers. As the bullets fly, V uses the booster to initiate what is effectively bullet time. The world slows down around her for a few seconds, plenty of time to take down her targets. The scavengers in the next room over don't want to deal with V directly, and shut a metal door that V and Jackie can't get through. As they look for an alternate path, bullets from the scavenger's room come flying through the wall. V and Jackie quickly maneuver out of harm's way, and use a window to flank to the side of the scavenger that is wielding a huge firearm. V takes him down, and Jackie quips "You won't need this anymore," as he grabs the impressive gun.

V works her way into a bathroom to find a disturbing sight: a bathtub filled with water, ice, and two naked human bodies – a male and female. V moves the male body to the side of the tub, and grabs the woman. Her eyes are somewhat rolled back, but she's still breathing. V pulls her out of the tub, and Jackie says she doesn't look good. V tells someone she's communicating with remotely that she's going to jack in to see if she can be saved. By jacking into the woman's neuro socket, V is able to see a variety of data, and calls in a medical team. This particular woman is apparently a big deal as the medical team that will assist her is platinum level. After working past a couple of security measures in the woman's system, V calls in a medical evacuation unit. Before they can move her, the woman flatlines. V uses a "hypo" on her heart to stabilize her. The woman is carried to the balcony outside of the apartment, just as a flying medical ambulance arrives. CD Projekt Red says a virus was jamming her locator implant, and V was able to fix it.

The trauma team is heavily armed, a high-end version of insurance for rich people. V asks if they can give her and Jackie a lift, but they don't respond. We then see V walking through the city, a jaw-dropping moment that shows off all different walks of life. People are everywhere, and they all look different, some telling stories just from their appearance. If the player focuses on them, V can see their stance in life. Text appears over their head saying things like "junkie" or "bodyguard" along with their level. When you look at Jackie, you see his name and his level, which is eight in this demo. V is currently level one. As V walks past people, I see some of them can be approached, potentially for conversations or missions. None are engaged at this moment.

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